Different applications of shunt capacitor.
Shunt Capacitors and it's applications
Shunt means parallel. In simple words, the capacitor is connected in parallel with a load or power supply is called shunt capacitor.
The series and parallel combination of a no. of shunt capacitors is called shunt capacitor bank. So shunt capacitor is not a special device. It is a normal capacitor only, it is called a shunt capacitor because of its parallel connection with load.
The series and parallel combination of a no. of shunt capacitors is called shunt capacitor bank. So shunt capacitor is not a special device. It is a normal capacitor only, it is called a shunt capacitor because of its parallel connection with load.
Application of Shunt Capacitor:
1-Electrical Power Distribution System.
In an electrical power distribution system, shunt capacitors are used. Generally, shunt capacitors or shunt capacitor banks are connected in parallel with each feeder to improve the power factor of that particular feeder.
2-Electrical Transmission line.
Shunt Capacitor bank also used in long-distance transmission lines. In long-distance transmission lines (above 66KV) shunt capacitor banks are used to increase the electrical power transfer capability without extra conductors. The shunt capacitor also used to balance voltage fluctuations.
3-Electrical Substation.
Shunt capacitor banks used in electrical substations also. When the load is increased above its limit the voltage level will decrease. Due to this all loads connected to that line or feeder will be affected. So Capacitor banks are used in substations to balance the voltage level during an overload or load variation. They also used for power factor correction also. Shunt capacitors also used in electrical substations as reactive power sources to supply the reactive loads.
4- Inductive Load.
Shunt capacitors are used with inductive loads like Induction Motors, Transformers, etc. The main purpose of using shunt capacitors or shunt capacitor banks to improve the power factor. Generally, the shunt capacitor bank is connected in parallel with the inductive load.
5- Filter Circuit.
Shunt capacitors are also used for filtering purposes. Shunt capacitor can remove noise, distortion from AC supplies. Generally, shunt capacitors are used somewhere in the electrical power transmission and distribution system to filter the electrical power. Not only AC circuits, in DC circuits such as Rectifier Circuit, power supply circuit, electronic tunning circuit, shunt capacitors are used for filtration purpose.
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