Do you know meaning of alphabets written on MCB just before current rating?
What is MCB? MCBs are automatic switches that automatically turn off the power supply when it detects an excessive current. Earlier, this action used to be done by fuses. Though fuses have one disadvantage, they need to be replaced every time there is a short circuit. An MCB, on the other hand, can be manually restarted and is more durable. Types of MCB MCBs are installed in spaces depending on the need of the appliance. Hence, you will find multiple MCB types that can be used for a range of purposes. The most popular MCB types are A, B, C, D, K and Z. Of these, the most commonly used are B, C and D. These categories are often based on their trip curve or tripping capacities. Type A MCB trips off the circuit when the current exceeds 2-3 times the actual current rating. A type MCB – Miniature Circuit Breaker is highly sensitive to the short circuit, and hence we can find its application in the manufacturing of semiconductors. Type B These are often used in residential properties or...